mandag den 30. juli 2012

"We mistake sex for romance. Guys are taught that pushing a girl against a wall is romance. Sex is easy, you can do it with anyone, yourself with batteries. Romance is when someone you like walks into a room, and they take your breath away. Romance is when two people are dancing and they fit together perfectly. Romance is when two people are walking next to each other, and all of the sudden they find themselves holding hands, and they don't know how that happened."

Day 22

Day 22 - A picture of something you never leave the house without:
I never go ANYWHERE without my lipbalm.

søndag den 29. juli 2012

Day 21.

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Billede: Fordi jeg ved, vi burde vinde det her.
Og jeg elsker dig over alt på jorden, mit livs lys, min engel i helvede, min verden. <3
 This was all I could find on my Facebook - and yes, I'm over him. I love my boyfriend, but I still wish nothing between him and I never happened.

lørdag den 28. juli 2012

Kan ikke håndtere denne video. Mine små babyer <3333
Desuden irriterer det mig grænseløst, at Niall ikke får flere soloer. Ih :( 

Day 20.

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel:
 I've always wanted to go to Montréal.

fredag den 27. juli 2012

Day 19.

Day 19 - A picture of something you love to do.

 Get me a book, and I'll be the happiest I can possibly be. Just don't expect me to re-surface before I'm done with it.